
Go to Blog:- 2 - 

Blog 1   Is an introduction to what you can expect

For a long number of years, I have been interested in the history of Halifax UK.  Just like many of you, I have my own memories and photos and I have also been sent lots of yours too.

I hope to include a variety of subjects, not just historic Halifax, and I'd love it if you would join me with your own participation. Therefore, I am adding this blog to a Facebook page where it is easy for you to submit photos etc. 

The website includes thousands of local photos, many of which were sent by you, website visitors. Sometimes, these turn out to be the property of others. If you see anything of yours that you do not want including on this website, please let me know and I will remove it.


History Tour of Halifax

The History Tour pages are meant to be a walk-through of each area from one end to the next. If you spot a mistake - please let me know. If you have anything to add - please send it to me at (please use the subject 'BLOG' so that I know its not spam), or add it to the Facebook page.

I hope to include thousands of random subjects and I am happy for suggestions too. Try me - throw me a random subject. Your participation is my carrot for continuing. 

One amazing way to get involved is to search your attics and cellars for that old piece of Halifax history. There is so much out there that needs sharing and so much that gets lost or thrown away when anyone passes away or moves = memories lost forever. So, hopefully this site is a place to collect some of the towns history.

This website does cost money and any donations are gratefully received. There are also lots of very cheap advertising opportunities for your businesses, which also help this website to fund itself. 

I hope you enjoy the blog.  So, climb on board and let's see where it takes us.

Best regards



Where do I start?

I'm going to jump straight in with a random but very popular subject - Old Pubs. In particular - your old local. 

I'm building separate pages for lots of local pubs and each one will include a history, photos, memories and any stories associated with each pub.


I already have alphabetically listed pubs here >>>>> but building a separate page for popular pubs will be interesting. 

So, dig out those old photos


What else can you expect on this blog?

Well, anything really. As long as it's related to Halifax and surrounding areas but with your input and suggestions let's see where it takes us.


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