Thrum Hall 

Thrum Hall 


Evening Courier 1900

Evening Courier 1920

On June 30th, 1933 Thrum Hall hosted the Empire Brass Band Festival. After a couple of years where it had lapsed, all eyes(and ears) were enthusiastically focused on this inaugurated event in the West Riding. 

At this festival there were two sections, one for local bands and the other an open event. In the open event, the first prize was £150 and a silver trophy presented specially for the festival by Sir William Bulmer, and there was a number of smaller prizes. In the local event the first prize was for £15.

The late Mr J Ord Hume, the famous composer for brass bands, judged in the open section and the test piece was 'The Viking' by the Halifax musician, the late Mr J Weston Nicholl. Mr George Hawkins adjudicated in the local section.

Fodens won the open event, with Black Dyke Mills second and Crossfields third. Sowerby Bridge, who were eighth in the open section, won the local event.


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